Split End Prevention

Are you struggling with Split Ends?  If your trying to grow out your hair, you need to keep your locks as healthy as possible. Here are some tips to keep your hair healthy, & strong! 



Preventative Maintenance:

Get Regular Trims

The best way to avoid split ends in the first place is to get your hair trimmed on a regular basis. Leave these trims to a professional. Your kitchen scissors are not meant for cutting hair. The dull blades can actually fray your hair more on the ends. Your stylist will be able to help you achieve the amount of time between each trim to keep your hair healthy. The more you stay on a schedule like this the less amount of hair your stylist will need to take off.


Beat The Heat

To much heat styling can cause major breakage and split ends. This doesn't mean you have to quit heat styling completely it just means you need to take the correct steps when using heat on your hair. Let your hair air dry whenever possible. Limit your curling and flat iron use to a few times a week. I recommend using a thermal guard/ heat protectant spray before you blow dry. We love Melu Hair Shield By Davines. Oi Oil is great to apply on the ends of damp hair before blow drying if you will be curling or flat ironing your hair. Also using to much hot water on your hair can strip hair of it's moisture. Try to rinse your hair in cool water to seal your hair cuticle if you can stand it! Try Minu-Hair serum By Davines its a great Colour enhancing serum.


Moisturizing Masks

Treating your hair to a deep conditioning, repair or protien mask once a week is a must to maintain healthy hair! This will help improve your hairs strength, softness, and over all shine. Two of our favorites are  NouNou- great for highly processed or brittle hair and Minu- great for keeping coloured hair replenished and healthy Both By Davies


Shampoo & Condition The Right Way

There is a correct way to shampoo & condition your hair. When it comes to shampooing be sure you are focusing on the roots of your hair & scalp. As for the conditioner you want to slather this onto the ends of your hair. They need it the most! Try not to put to much conditioner towards root area if your hair tends to feel dirty or gets greasy fast.  


Always Comb

Use a wide tooth comb & Wet Brushes when your hair is wet to detangle. Your hair is more susceptible to breakage when it is wet. So stay away from brushes that have a tendency to pull your hair. Use leave-in conditioners.


Stylist Choice Favorite Split End Treatment




  • It’s the only in-salon service that instantly mends and prevents split ends while also preventing future splits to occur.
  • Lasts up to 4 weeks.
  • Perfect for prolonging the shape of your precision cut.
  • The end result is instantly repaired, stronger, healthier ends protected against future breakage.



Now that you are full of knowledge, call us to set up an appointment today.  Remember consultations are always free!
